The deets

If it is true that in life we all contribute a verse, my verse comes in the form of sketches on a page to pixels on a screen. I'm a passionate designer hell bent on contributing my verse to the powerful play of design.

I have several years of experience designing enriching and meaningful solutions for digital products, and several more as an industrial designer. I strongly believe that design is about solving the right problems. I am a big proponent of data and scientific driven design strategies that are generated through research such as jobs to be done methodology, processes like lean UX, and idea generation in the form of creating a hypothesis to test and iterate through.

Design Philosophy

[Insert spooky music here].

I'll cut to the chase. I don't have a design philosophy because design isn't a philosophical discipline. It's a practical discipline that aims to solve real world problems creatively using various methodologies. I also don't necessarily adhere to a rigid or dogmatic process either. You will not see me testing fifty shades of blue to see which shade results in more clicks. No sir.

I have always enjoyed the old adage that designers are missionaries for art in the world of business. I prefer to to be flexible because every business or challenge is different. When it's appropriate I will use Jobs to Be Done, design strategies based on the scientific method, design sprints, or Lean UX. I love staying current on innovative design and seeing what other organizations do because I always look for ways of improving my process. And I will do so in a way that makes business sense without sacrificing what I believe is right.

In a nutshell, I prefer Design Thinking...

  • Ideate

  • Iterate

  • Prototype

Tools & strategies I use on a regular basis

  • Observation

  • Interviews & surveys (listening for pain points)

  • Immersion

  • Journey Map

  • Brainstorm & white board

  • Storyboard

  • Prototype (Paper & rapid sketching, Axure)

  • User testing on prototypes

My Interests

  • Cooking

  • Photography

  • Creating, Tinkering,

    Breaking & Fixing

  • Cars

  • Writing

I have a few other oddball hobbies: I like to work on my car, I make hot sauce and jam (which I refer to as a jam sesh), jaywalking, giving people a hard time, and discussing current or political events of the day.